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Si Brooklyn Girls era el himno de las chicas hipsters, el Brooklyn Boys es el himno antihipsters! un gran trabajo. Aquí os dejamos la letra, aunque sabemos que preferís llamarla lyrics:

Brooklyn 11211

is a place where nobody comes from

when i move there, i’ll be an artist as well…

Tossin’ shoes on a wire

job search has got me tired

call my dad before the rent is due.

Got my filters on Instagram

so my friends all know that I’m the man,

Cause i came from Ohio

but tonight, I own the borough!

Brooklyn Boys

how do they get all those brooklyn girls

Brooklyn boys

when they walk in their ‘staches curl

Tinder swipes on my iPhone

my 10 roommates are not home

I’m gonna show her downward dog,

New place you’ve never heard of

4 hour wait at Robertas?

Can’t wait to have my kale pancakes!

But i don’t know what I’m doin’

when my mom asks what I’m doin’

but my microbrews are brewing

and I’m wasted before noon-in

Brooklyn Boys

when we walk in we rule the world

Brooklyn Boys

So tough and pretty like those Brooklyn Girls

Waiting for the G train…

Still waitin’ for the G train…

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